Wednesday, June 13, 2018


As yet, we're not in danger.  The downtown part of Durango is in the valley still some distance south from where the fire is now burning,  and we live somewhat to the north of downtown -- right in the populated area of residential Durango.   So!  If the fire even THINKS of coming close to the residences -- I think the fire-fighting scene will escalate rapidly.  Which is saying something -- because the fire-fighting scene is already very impressive with the number of planes dropping water, and the "boots-on-the-ground" guys we cannot even see from the distance we keep.

Alas, it is the beautiful evergreen forests that are becoming flaming torches, with white clouds of smoke billowing outwards...

We've been driving up the valley (which runs north-south) -- to the north of town nearly every early evening to watch the flaming hillside, as the fire progresses.   Tonight, we're taking a break.   But hey,  IT IS HUGE, with flames and smoke billowing upwards.  The fire has been moving steadily SOUTHwards, right along the line of hills on the WEST side of the valley, and of course, it is also burning downwards on those hillsides towards the valley floor.  Such a flare-up when yet another living tree (evergreens) is ignited. 

We do not yet feel threatened.

Here's a website for an up-to-date report.  I presume they keep it current:

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