Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ho! Schmat-Razum!



Pictured above is my invisible servant and dear friend, Schmat-Razum. Like Vasilissa (see post below), he arrived in my life through the ancient skazki -- the Russian Wonder Tales -- as a bedtime story. He lives in my pocket, and I have but to call, "Ho! Schmat-Razum..." and ask a favor of him.

The most remarkable example of his favors was when he was traveling with Taraban. The young lad, having traveled across many vyorsts, fell exhausted, and bid Schmat-Razum to find another master, for he could go no further. Replied Schmat-Razum, "Why didst thou not tell me thou wast wearied? I should have carried thee the whole way!"

Schmat-Razum asked me to post him here, along with Vasilissa. In gratitude, I have done so.


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