Monday, April 16, 2012

A Mirror Into My Own Childhood

She lives right next door. I´ve mentioned her and her family a lot, and posted photos of them. This little girl whom I have known since she was in utero (there is a long story there, too...) and I share a deep, strong heart bond. She reminds me of me.

What inspires this short essay, however, is what we shared just yesterday.

Little Diana Laura sings. She sings to the trees, the flowers, the dog, the weather, in response to questions. She loves to whirl. She has her own personal connection to nature.... oh, there´s a story in that, too, but never mind.

She sings in the same way I did as a child -- spinning in a circle as flower petals from the tree overhead cascaded down, cruising along an expanse of flowers as the wind played their bobbing blossoms....

Yesterday, when we were both home alone (she is about 5 by now, and I´m slightly older), she spotted me through the fence, and came over. We spent over an hour simply singing to each other about.... whatever. We swung in our respective hammocks, sometimes bumping together, and laughed as we sang about it. We played hide and seek in the netting of our hammocks, and we sang about it. A dog starts barking -- we sing an imagined reason....

When the time came, we sang our goodbyes, filled with laughter and silly postures...

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