Monday, November 16, 2009

Time Out....

I have maybe three minutes.

Update on drugs: the word on the street is more cinematic than the word in the English language newspaper published in Mexico City. Makes a better movie.

Update on the waves: Robert is having a great time and even tried out his vintage 1960 vintage Jacobs 9.0 board out there. Guess who f*ed with him, stealing his waves with a sly grin.

Update on boogieboarders: I am still swimming laps.

Gotta run! Next week I fly to San Francisco for a week.. combination Thanksgiving and Family Reunion and Celebration of our Parents' 100th birthdays (Note: they have passed on, however, thus it is their fine and loved memory that we celebrate.

Then I fly back here to pack up, and drive with Robert to see the wonderful Monarch butterflies in their winter digs... again. Scroll down and view a sampling of our photos. Wish I could post the videos.

Gone... with the wind......

1 comment:

Sara Ransom said...

Commenting on my own entry---
I have these few minutes (an hour or so later now) to add this:
Our life in the village is so very sweet, and filled with the essence of human interaction: Love. The house runneth over with children, happily engaged in projects from toys/games/art supplies that I provide. Loved neighbors drop by of a morning and evening. On and on I could wax thus eloquent, anecdotes abounding... And any one who has lived by a beach knows how enchanted we are each time we walk along the shore. Each moment here is precious. The dramas are just that: the spice!